
 The Maitland Approach is a form of modern day Orthopedic Manual Therapy for treatment of both Spinal and Peripheral conditions, and uses primarily the assessment and treatment of the patient's signs and symptoms to develop an effective treatment plan. This approach is patient-centered, and respects the diagnosis with an understanding of the pathology. Maitland Australian Physiotherapy Seminars provides advanced training to qualified clinicians in the Maitland-Australian Approach, which combines the latest Evidence-Based research in Manual Therapy/Physiotherapy with the Maitland Approach and associated evaluation and treatment techniques. The Maitland-Australian Approach intentionally gently provokes the patient's actual symptoms using carefully graded physiological and accessory passive mobilization. This approach is recognized worldwide as an efficient, safe and gentle way to evaluate and treat the orthopedic patient to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, restore movement, and maximize function.

Geoff Maitland's #1 core principle is,

“Sublimation of self and a positive personal commitment to understand what the patient is enduring, and the effects the disorder has upon the patient.”

The Maitland Approach has always been, and continues to be, concerned with the patient's needs above all.